Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Welcome to Grade 6R at Christ the King School!

Welcome Grade 6 Students and Families!

My name is Ms. Suzanne Reaume and I have been teaching with the Windsor Essex Catholic District School Board for 12 years. I have had the privilege of being with the CTK family for three of those years and am so grateful!
Prior to teaching here at CTK I taught at St. Mary's in Maidstone. I have taught grades 5 through 8 and am excited about teaching the Grades 6s this year!
I am married with two little boys and a giant rescue dog. I live in South Windsor, and love being outside, playing sports, reading, kids, and teaching!
Here on this blog you can find homework updates and assignment outlines. Please be aware this blog is a SECONDARY source, not an agenda. Students are still responsible for using their agendas daily. Time will be given to write in agendas but I will not be checking each child's agenda daily to ensure they're using it. That responsibility belongs to the student, and to parents to view nightly homework and classroom news. If a note is left in the agenda for me please advise your child to bring it to my attention. There may be circumstances that cause me to not update the blog nightly so please remember the importance of the student using his or her agenda daily.
I'm looking forward to a great year in Grade 6 at CTK and I hope all of you are as well! Go Comets!

Thursday, 7 June 2018

Ontario Election

Christ the King Community,

Today is a very important day for us free democratic citizens...it is election day!  When you vote, please bring your children.  Show them how the process works.  Discuss the issues.  This is their future.

Below is a website we used in class to discuss the election.  We have debated the issues, chosen sides, and even participated in a mock election. 

Let's work together and teach our kids about the every day issues that will affect their future.

Ontario Votes: Political Platforms

Image result for ontario election 2018

Tuesday, 29 May 2018


Math Pg 330 #1-7

Underground to Canada response due tomorrow

French-finish one side of the page for tomorrow

Field Trip form, please return ASAP.  The field trip is June 14th.

Friday, 25 May 2018

Happy Birthday Chloe! EQAO Almost Done!

We are almost finished EQAO!  Wahoo!  Monday morning is the last installment!
Happy Birthday to Chloe today!
Enjoy the beautiful weather everyone!

Return field trip forms ASAP!

Wednesday, 23 May 2018

EQAO Update and Other Random Items

Hello all!

Today we started our EQAO testing!  We wrote the first segment this morning, which was dedicated to reading and writing.  Tomorrow AM we will write part 1 of the Math component, followed by Part 2 of the Language section.  There are 4 total Language sections and 2 Math.  We will be writing over the next few days, and should have every section complete by Tuesday.  The kids were very focused and positive, and I could not be more proud! 

We are reading the novel Underground to Canada right now, and are on Chapter 4.  The book is a heavy read, but a necessary one.  We have discussed slavery at great length and I hope to foster an overall interest in the oppression of all peoples this year through the unit we studied earlier this year on the Holocaust and now this unit on slavery.  Piquing an interest in history is so important in developing a moral concious and a future opportunity in the leadership of social justice issues.

"Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it."
-George Santayana

Here are some photos of your beautiful children!

Tuesday, 15 May 2018

Homework and Tomorrow's Performance


Tomorrow the grade 6s will be performing the plays they have been practicing over the last few weeks.  Performances are set for 2 pm. 


Fraction Homework Pg 311 8,9,12 and Pg 314 5 and 6

EQAO booklets due tomorrow

Science worksheets due tomorrow

Good copy of speech due May 18

Cafe was so much fun today!  Thanks so much to Mme. Martin for putting together a beautiful day for all!