Friday, 29 September 2017


Math test:  Monday

Science Project:  Oct 4

Wear orange shirt Monday

Reader Response due Monday

Have your book read for Monday!

Summary Example

Example of a Summary

When writing a summary just include the main points of the plot.  Include the beginning middle and end of the story.  Include the main characters.

Example:  Summary of The Three Little Pigs

The Three Little Pigs is a story with the lesson to work hard and not take the easy way out.  It starts off with three little pigs moving away from home and building their own houses.  The first builds his out of straw, the second builds his out of sticks, and the third builds his out of bricks.
One day a big bad wolf, who was very hungry, decided it was meal time.  He went after the first and second pigs by blowing down the door to their homes.   After both brothers ran to the third pig’s house, he tried to blow down his door but was unsuccessful and ended up falling down the chimney and into a big pot of boiling water to his death.

Start writing your summary by identifying the main points of the story.  Once you have created this bulleted list, writing the summary is easy!

Example:  The 3 Little Pigs

  • Pigs move away from home
  • Pigs build their own home
  • Pig 1-straw
  • Pig 2-sticks
  • Pig 3-bricks
  • Big Bad Wolf shows up hungry
  • Blows dfown the door to the first two pigs houses
  • All three pigs hiding in the third pig’s house
  • Wolf tries to blow down that door but can’t
  • Wolf climbs down the chimney
  • Wolf burns in the pot of boiling water
  • Three pigs survive.

Connections Sample

Types of Connections

Below are some sentence starters to help you get going on your Reader Responses

What does this remind me of in my life?
What is this similar to in my life?
How is this different from my life?
Has something like this ever happened to me?
How does this relate to my life?
What were my feelings when I read this?

What does this remind me of in another book I’ve read?
How is this text similar to other things I’ve read?
How is this different from other books I’ve read?
Have I read about something like this before?

What does this remind me of in the real world?
How is this text similar to things that happen in the real world?
How is this different from things that happen in the real world?
How did that part relate to the world around me?


I can make a text-to-world connection to the article “Cheesey Goodness.”  In the article it states that cheese is made of bacteria, and that there are good kinds of bacteria (pro-biotics), and bad types of bacteria.  The article explains the benefits of the good bacteria for your body.  This reminds me of the disease outbreak in Africa.  It makes me think and wish that we could send products like cheese, yogurt, and milk to these people who are suffering from viral outbreaks constantly.  If we could get them foods with good bacteria, that bacteria could help their immune systems, therefore helping them stay healthy.  We are so lucky to have foods rich in good bacteria to keep us alive and well.  Bring on the cheesy goodness!

Thursday, 28 September 2017

Coffee House and Homework


Picture Day is tomorrow

Math Test Monday

Science Project due October 4

Math Review due tomorrow

Have your book read for Monday!

Coffee House
Today we participated in a little activity in Literacy class called "coffee house."  We assumed a different persona and got into character.  We proceeded to analyze different movie posters following the guideline below.  After we analyzed the media texts we mingled and had "coffee" (iced tea) and pastries (donuts) and introduced each character to the group. 

Media Analysis

Name: __________________________ Date: __________________

You have chosen a poster to analyze.  Fill out the Analysis sheet answering the questions below:

  1. How did the design or look of the poster get your attention?





2.  Who do you think is the audience for this poster?





3.  What makes the image on the poster strong?





4.  What questions might the viewer ask when looking at the poster?





5.What additional information does the poster give the viewer?





6.  Based on the success criteria of the assignment, how would you grade this movie poster?





Wednesday, 27 September 2017


Picture Day-Friday September 29

Have book ready by October 2

Math Test on Monday

Math Page 66 #6,7
Page 74 #1 and 2

Science Assignment:  October 4

Get marks signed!

Coffee House tomorrow!

Tuesday, 26 September 2017


Picture Day:  Friday

Movie Poster:  tomorrow

Math:  Page 70 #3

Math test on Monday (Unit 2)

Ice Cream Social tonight! 

Monday, 25 September 2017


Picture Day:  Friday September 29

Movie Poster:  Wednesday

Pick a place paragraph due tomorrow via google classroom

Book Talk Due Date Timelines:

October 2:  Have book read

October 9:  Complete the Summary and Connections sections

October 12:  Character and recommendation sections are complete

October 16:  Activity is complete

October 19:  Book Talk speech is complete

October 23:  Book Talk Written portions submitted today

Book Talk Presentations will be the week of October 23-27

Thursday, 21 September 2017

Terry Fox Day

We had a blast today celebrating Terry Fox and his fight against cancer.  After a short assembly, we headed outside and walked the soccer field in support of Terry with some background tunes to keep us motivated!
In class we talked about differnt heroes that we have, and how Terry Fox was a hero.  We talked about our own personal heroes.  It was a great discussion.

Thanks for supporting our Terry Fox Walk and sending in those toonies!

Below are some pictures of the day!


Picture Day:  Friday September 29

Monday:  Wear green and white

Science Quiz on Monday

Movie Poster due September 27 (Wed)

Science Quiz Review

You should know the following for the quiz on Monday:

The 5 Kingdoms
Characteristics of the plant, animal, amd fungi kingdoms

Classify the invertebrates (just the name)

Classify the vertebrates (just the name)

Know the order of proper scientific classification

There will be one application question.

Wednesday, 20 September 2017


Picture Day is September 29th

Paragraph due tomorrow

Wear red and white tomorrow

Science Quiz on Monday

Movie Poster due September 27

Tuesday, 19 September 2017


Paragraph outline due tomorrow

Art due tomorrow

Bring in permission forms for church and music

Math #1 and #2 Page 62 due tomorrow

Guess What Paragraph Example

Guess What?

I am an object that can be found in the Grade 6 class at Christ the King everyday.  The first thing you should know about me is that I brighten the entire room!  I reflect the light to make myself known to everyone.  Another thing you should know about me is that I am not very large.  I don’t take up a lot of space when I am not working, but once I am in action everyone knows where I am.  Lastly, I hold some serious power.  I control whether children can enter the school, or must stay outside the doors and wait for the school bell to ring.  All students must go through me if they would like a drink or go to the washroom.   All in all, although I am small I make my presence known to all those who find themselves around me.  What am I?

Book Talk Guide

Students will be completing their first book talk based on the outline below. Along with the written portion, they will be required to give a one to two minute speech about their book highlighting the following:
  1. Title
  2. Author
  3. Genre
  4. Age Recommendation
  5. Setting
  6. Characters
  7. Brief plot summary

My Book Talk Guide
Title: ____________________________________________________
Author: __________________________________________________
Your Name: _______________________________________________

SUMMARY - Give a brief summary of your book.
  • Do NOT copy and paste a summary!  It must be in your own words!
  • What strategy did you use to write your summary?
CONNECTIONS - Explain 3 connections you made to this book.  Include text-to-text, text-to-self, text-to-world.
  • Use text to self, text to text, or text to world connections
  • Try to include quotes from the text, specific examples and lots of detail!

Sample quote:
In the novel Eye of the Hurricane, I made a text-to-self connection.  In the text it states “Even though the news had issued evacuation alerts to the town, Amy’s family refused to leave their home.  They couldn’t part with the life they knew.”  
I can connect to this because my family has just went through a flood in our home.  Our entire basement was ruined.  All of our special family items were ruined, all of our family photographs were gone forever.  Our memories are all we have left from our childhood, since all of our photographs and toys were destroyed.
CHARACTERS - Give a detailed description of your favourite character.
  • Give three reasons why this is your favourite character.
  • Include details and specific examples
  • Include quotes from the text, if possible.
  • Draw a picture of this character
RECOMMENDATION - Who would you recommend this book to?  Explain why they would enjoy it.  Give three reasons.
ACTIVITY - Select one of the following activities:
  1. Create an advertisement to encourage someone to read your novel.
  2. Create a comic stip showing the main events of the novel in sequence.  Include a minimum of 4 squares and lots of detail.  
  3. Create a new book cover for your novel.
  4. Illustrate your favourite scene from the novel.  Include a detailed description of the scene.
Book Talk #2 Rubric
Student Name:
Final Level:

Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
-a detailed summary was given in his/her own words;
-insightful, relevant connections were made;
-specific examples and details were given;
-a detailed explanation of the favourite character was given along with a details and examples;
-a detailed recommendation explaining why that particular audience would enjoy the novel;
-the activity was created with details, neatness and effectiveness.

Monday, 18 September 2017


Art due Wednesday

Print out paragraph corrections

Soccer forms

Below are some pictures taken during Science Class:

Friday, 15 September 2017


Math:  Practice BEDMAS questions with your parents!

Paragraph due Monday via Google classroom

Art due Wednesday!

Bring your soccer forms in!