Wednesday, 6 September 2017

Curriculum in 6R

Here is what we are up to in 6R this month:


We are working through the concepts in Chapter 2 of Math Makes Sense, but we will using many supplementary resources as well. 

UNIT 2a:  Whole Numbers

I can read and print in words whole numbers to one hundred thousand using meaningful contexts.

I can represent and order whole numbers up to 1 000 000 using a variety of tools.

I can demonstrate an understanding of place value in whole numbers using different tools and strategies.

I can solve real-life problems that relate to the magnitude of whole numbers up to 1 000 000.

I can use a variety of mental strategies to solve addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems involving whole numbers.

I can solve problems involving the multiplication and division of four-digit by two-digit whole numbers using a variety of tools and strategies.

I can use estimation when solving problems involving the addition and subtraction of whole numbers to help decide if my solution is reasonable.

I can explain the need for a standard order for performing operations.

Reading:  In Reading we will be working on making connections and activating prior knowledge.  The bulk of our work will be done through the Nelson Reader, book 6a.  All students will have a copy of this to use at school and home.

Students are required to have a novel to read at school starting Monday.  Book Talk assignments will be handed out next week.  We have many titles to choose from in the classroom.

Writing:  We will be working on writing a proper paragraph and developing ideas.

Science:  We will be studying the diversity of living things.

Phys-Ed:  The focus will be on fitness (aerobic exercise)

Health: The focus will be on healthy eating

Religion:  Understanding your relationship with God and building friendships.

Current Events:  We live in such a global world now, and it is so important for the students to be aware of their surroundings.  A current events assignment will be given out some time this month.  Each student will take their turn preparing an assignment for the class.  This will not be assigned to the student each week.  Each student will be responsible to complete the assignment one week out of 18. A schedule will be posted here on the blog once the assignment has been discussed.

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