Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Homework and Math

Today we built rectangular and triangular prisms.  The goal was to build one that would hold popsicle sticks.  Students were asked to calculate the volume, capacity and the total mass the container could hold in two different units.  Here are some photos of the work in progress:

Math Test tomorrow
Reading:  Finish your book for Friday
Pita Pit Forms

Monday, 26 February 2018


Math Page 240 #1-6
Science Poster or Creative Writing Paragraph due Wednesday.  Check google classroom for outline
Writer's Workshop due Wed with title page
Code your Family Life poster for Wed
Wear spirit wear tomorrow
Reader Response due tomorrow.  Readings done for Wed.

What's Happening in 6R?

We are wrapping up our unit on measurement!  Key concepts that were examined are surface area, volume, conversion of cubed units, units of mass and units of capacity.  We will be having our unit test on Thursday.  Students are encouraged to study their learning goals sheets and notes, and practice multi-step problems at home.

We are wrapping up out literature circles this week.  We will be concentrating on a major assignment based on these books for the next few weeks.  This will involve creating a plot summary, character analysis, definition of literary devices, among other things.  Please ask your children about their progress on this project.  We will begin next Monday.

We have about a week, week and a half left on air and flight.  Students will be working on a flight poster or personal writing piece over the next few days.  This is posted in google classroom.

We are wrapping up a unit on family history and have created posters using the "makey-makey."  Ask your kids about this.  They are coding their voices!  It is so cool!
We will begin preparing the Stations of the Cross presentation for the school this week.  The date for this is March 22.  If you'd like to come watch your child, please feel free. I am not sure on the time of this even yet.

We continue with the beep test, aerobic activity, and sharpening basketball skills.  We will begin a new health unit in March.

We will be spending some serious time on drama with our Lenten presentation but will continue to dabble in studying various artists' techniques.

Below are some photos of our class:
Examples of hyperboles for Reader Response Question

Our Olympic Board in Progress

Andrew and Luca experimenting with the Makey-Makey

Math Manipulatives available at all times.  Also, the Bible!

Examples of some strong Reader Responses!

Thursday, 22 February 2018


We had such a fun day today!  Our whole school celebrated the Olympics today with opening ceremonies, all day activities and closing ceremonies as well.  Our very own Ava Patey sang the national anthem, and we participated in many Olympic events!

Check out our CTK Twitter Page for photos! 


Rough copy of story due tomorrow
Family Life scripts due tomorrow

Thursday, 15 February 2018


Spelling due tomorrow

Reader Response due tomorrow

Writer's Workshop rough copy due the 23rd

Family Life and Olympics Bio due Tuesday

Keep up with your readings!


We have been learning about the properties of air and the four forces of flight.  Once we learned the properties of air, we created little demonstration for the JKSK class, and we all learned a lot.

Once we learned about the four forces of flight we created our own airplanes and tried different flight tasks.  Below are the photos.

Wednesday, 14 February 2018


Spelling due Friday

Math Page 226 #1

Math Quiz tomorrow

Rough copy due Feb 23 for Writer's Workshop

Readings for Lit Circles:  make sure you are up to date

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

Homework and Olympic Activities

Readings due tomorrow

Spelling due Friday

Writer's Workshop rough copy due Feb 23

Ash Wednesday tomorrow

Olympic Update:  In the spirit of the Olympics, today in gym class we played hockey, curled, and did the luge!  Ask your kids about it.  It was a great gym class, and we had a lot of fun!

We will be researching current Canadian Olympians this week and creating a trading card based on their statistics.

Go Canada!

Friday, 9 February 2018

Our Class

Our class is awesome.  They just are, there is no other way to describe them.  They are on their best behavior for occasional teachers, they embrace every new idea that I throw at them, they never give up and always attempt new tasks.  I just LOVE them!

In the spirit of our 2018 Olympics we have completed our first task, lifesize Olympic Athlete Art!
Check it out below.  We will be entwining the Olympics throughout our curriculum over the next few weeks!

Here is our class playing Math Starters at the beginning of class to sharpen those basic skills!

Thursday, 8 February 2018


Spelling Bee tomorrow!

Spelling work due tomorrow

Science Quiz on Monday

Page 368 #2 only (Surface Area only)

Literature Readings

Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Homework and Curriculum Update

Science Quiz on Monday

Spelling is due Friday

Math:  We are currently working on surface area and volume.  Below are the learning goals for the unit.

UNIT 6:  Surface Area and Volume


I can estimate, measure and record mass, capacity and volume using the metric system.

I can explain relationship between the height, the area of the base, and the volume of a triangular prism.

I can solve problems involving the estimation and calculation of the volume of triangular and rectangular prisms.

I can solve problems requiring conversions from larger to smaller units.  (kg to g, L to mL)

I can find the surface area of rectangular and triangular prisms.

I can solve problems involving the estimation and calculation of the surface area of triangular and rectangular prisms.

Literacy:  We are now into our unit based on the Holocaust.  The students are reading, discussing and analyzing literature of their choice daily.

Writing:  We have begun a new creative writing workshop for February based on descriptive writing.

Science:  We have just started our unit on Air and Flight.

Religion:  We have been studying the beatitudes and now are moving into studying our family histories.

Phys-Ed:  We are continuing with the beep test and aerobic activity but have added in skills of basketball. 

Tuesday, 6 February 2018


Brainstorm Web due for Writer's Workshop

Return Armando's Lunch Form

Return Report Cards

Readings must be done for tomorrow

Spelling due Friday

Conversation about Family Life

Garbage Bag Fundraiser