Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Homework and Curriculum Update

Science Quiz on Monday

Spelling is due Friday

Math:  We are currently working on surface area and volume.  Below are the learning goals for the unit.

UNIT 6:  Surface Area and Volume


I can estimate, measure and record mass, capacity and volume using the metric system.

I can explain relationship between the height, the area of the base, and the volume of a triangular prism.

I can solve problems involving the estimation and calculation of the volume of triangular and rectangular prisms.

I can solve problems requiring conversions from larger to smaller units.  (kg to g, L to mL)

I can find the surface area of rectangular and triangular prisms.

I can solve problems involving the estimation and calculation of the surface area of triangular and rectangular prisms.

Literacy:  We are now into our unit based on the Holocaust.  The students are reading, discussing and analyzing literature of their choice daily.

Writing:  We have begun a new creative writing workshop for February based on descriptive writing.

Science:  We have just started our unit on Air and Flight.

Religion:  We have been studying the beatitudes and now are moving into studying our family histories.

Phys-Ed:  We are continuing with the beep test and aerobic activity but have added in skills of basketball. 

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